Карта инициативной среды ТГУ

16 November 2017 within the project ‘Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students’ students at the Institute of Biology attended an open lecture in English “Modern Biology: Surfing Scientific Mainstream” delivered by Ivan V. Pozhidaev, a post-graduate student of BI, junior researcher in laboratory of molecular genetics and biochemistry of Mental Health Research Institute. 
During the lecture students were informed about advanced areas of biology such as synthetic biology, CRISPR/Cas9 systems, bionics, medical genetics, and bioinformatics. Ivan V. Pozhidaev shared his experience of participating in an international conference in Vienna and an internship in the Netherlands that provoked much interest and caused a great number of questions.
The second part of the lecture was devoted to the aspects of publication activity. The students became acquainted with the terms of the Hirsch index, impact factor, and Web of Science and Scopus databases and were given detailed recommendations how to develop their publication activity and choose a journal to publish an article in. 
In conclusion the speaker shared his experience of studying English and gave students some useful practical advice.
The students were greatly inspired and motivated by the open lecture.  There are some comments:
Serdjukova Sofia, first-year student, gr. 01701b
“Today’s lecture was quite interesting for me because neuroscience is what I’m really into. The speaker was confident and it was easy to listen to and understand the content. I’ve learned a lot about branches of modern biology such as bioinformatics and bionics which were kind of mystery before. His internship seems to be very bright and amazing, so the lecturer inspired me to study harder. ”
Romanenko Maria, first-year student, gr. 01701b 
“Today we had a very interesting lecture which was given by a PhD student of the Biological Institute, TSU. The lecture consisted of several parts; and as for me, the most interesting ones covered the topics connected to medicine, and the story about his travelling to Holland. Everyone could find something interesting and important for himself. The level of English of the lecturer was very high and I liked it. So, it was pleasure to listen to the speaker.” 
Romanova Jana, second-year student, gr. 01602b
“I was greatly surprised at a level of speaker’s English proficiency because I knew it was rather low before his internship. If to be honest this fact inspired me even more than a lecture. This is a really great stimulus for us to attain a top in studying English.” 
Evtina Anastasia, second-year student, gr. 01602b
“The open lecture was very interesting and useful for me because it is a moment now when we have to choose our future major. Ivan V. Pozhidaev told us about new methods in Biology, publication activity and gave us some advice on studying English. Thank him very much.”
The open lecture was organized by senior teachers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages Elena V. Vychuzhanina and Elena A. Melnikova. 
The teaching staff would like to express sincere gratitude to Ivan V. Pozhidaev, who supported the idea and contributed greatly to the event, and Anna Kharkovskaya, who took photos. 


16 ноября в рамках проекта «Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов ТГУ» студенты Института Биологии посетили открытую лекцию на английском языке  аспиранта БИ ТГУ, сотрудника лаборатории молекулярной генетики и биохимии НИИ психического здоровья ТНИМЦ И. В. Пожидаева «Современная биология или как найти себя в науке?". 
Иван Вячеславович рассказал студентам о наиболее актуальных областях биологии - синтетической биологии, технологии CRISPR/Cas9, бионике и биоинформатике. Неподдельный интерес и поток вопросов студенческой аудитории вызвал рассказ об участии И.В. Пожидаева в трехмесячной стажировке в Нидерландах и научной конференции в Вене. 
Во второй части лекции студенты получили представление о том, что такое  публикационная активность, индекс Хирша, импакт-фактор, базы данных Web of Science и Scopus. В завершении беседы Иван Вячеславович поделился с ребятами собственным опытом овладения английским языком, дал ряд полезных советов и рекомендаций. 
Участники открытой лекции остались довольны встречей. Иван Вячеславович отметил активность студентов и их глубокую заинтересованность. 
Открытая лекция была организована старшими преподавателями кафедры  естественнонаучных и физико-математических факультетов ФИЯ ТГУ Е.В. Вычужаниной и Е.А. Мельниковой. 
Выражаем благодарность И.В. Пожидаеву за проведенную лекцию и Анне Харьковской за предоставленные фотоматериалы.