Карта инициативной среды ТГУ

13 November, 2017 in the framework of the project ‘Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students’ the first-year students Sergey Vinitskiy, Stanislav Kononchik, and Nikolay Bezkhodarnov told about the importance of computer science and technology.

Learning English is an integral part of the curriculum at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Besides English, group 19507 studies Italian but for most students programming is the most difficult foreign language ever learnt. Humanities often cannot get the hang of science and technology; that is why the students from the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science happily lent their hand in mastering relatively new disciplines.

Stanislav Kononchik introduced computer science, technology and role of artificial intelligence in peoples’ lives. He focused on interaction of technology and translation studies. Most translators use CAT to enable faster and accurate translation. Therefore, those who have basic skills at computer science and technology are more competitive in the market.

Sergey Vinitskiy was a very creative teacher. He combined entertainment and practice and taught some basics of one of the most popular programming language Java. He showed how to make snowflakes in Java script and create a New Year atmosphere at any time.

Nikolay Bezkhodarnov drew the students’ attention not just because of his knowledge of programming or computer science but because of his experience in dubbing. Nikolay has been working as a dubber for quite a while. He explained what equipment he uses and how to process voice record. He also showed the student cartoons dubbed in English and Russian.

The linguists were very impressed by the young teachers and are looking forward to meeting them again.

‘It was a win-win experience’ thinks Aleksandra Nabiullina, a teacher of English. ‘The Foreign Language students knew something about computer science from the inside out, while the Computer Science students practiced their English speaking skills.

Stas Kononchik: Oh, it was fun! I really enjoyed Sergey's and Nikolay's presentations, such different ways of presenting different information. And it also was a great experience for me in giving presentations and making texts as well.

Julia Prutnikova: I liked how these guys made the presentations. It was not super useful (personally for me) but it was fun enough. Especially I liked Sergey, he was funny and I'm looking forward to meeting him again.

Nadya Karyakina: It was quiet interesting to see and to hear how guys from this Faculty speak English. I was surprised how good they were. Especially Nikolay and Sergey impressed me so much! Hope to see them again!

Roman Kuzmenko: It was fun to see these guys. I've never thought that students from FPMK can be funny enough. I was surprised when I heard their speaking skills, it impressed me soooo well. Wanna see them one more time


13 ноября 2017 года в рамках проекта «Развитие иноязычной компетенции студентов ТГУ» первокурсники Сергей Виницкий, Станислав Конончик и Николай Безходарнов из группы 1171/б рассказали о важности и полезности современных технологий. 

Знание английского языка для студентов факультета иностранных языков является обязательным. Кроме английского, студенты группы 19507 изучают итальянский язык, но мало кто из них знаком с одним из языков программирования. Технологии и науки обычно не так легко даются гуманитариям, поэтому на помощь к ним пришли студенты Института прикладной математики и компьютерных наук. 

Станислав Конончик приготовил вводную лекцию об информационных технологиях и искусственном интеллекте и подчеркнул, как важно лингвистам знать основы компьютерных наук, ведь многие профессиональные переводчики пользуются CAT технологиями. 
В преддверии Нового года, Сергей Виницкий преподал студентам основы языка программирования Java и научил создавать снегопад в Java script. 
Николай Безходарнов оказался интересен студентам не только с точки зрения знаний по информатике, но и с профессиональной точки зрения. Николай занимается дубляжом фильмов и мультиков на английский и русский языки. Он рассказал ребятам, какое оборудование необходимо для дублирования, и как происходит процесс обработки голоса. Также он представил несколько своих работ. 
Юные лекторы произвели огромное впечатление на студентов-лингвистов. Лингвисты отметили отличное произношение и беглую речь выступающих. Студенты ФИЯ с нетерпением ждут новых встреч с интересными собеседниками.